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Thursday, December 01, 2011

Occupy This

I will be the first to shamelessly admit for the first two weeks that the Occupy movement started, that I had no idea what it was.

I saw jokes surfacing on the old Facebook and thought it must be some new hot funny thing that people who have the time for tumblrs, and feeds, and avid blog readers were privy to that I just didn't have time for.

I was too busy, you know, working, going to school, trying to dig myself out of the never ending bill hell that I have somehow managed to burrow myself into.

When I finally asked someone, they were like, "Uh, really, do you not read the news?" No. Not really, sorry. In between bouts of doing things that make me loathe my life, I like to take a load off and get drunk or watch a shitty 80s comedy so that I can unwind and not think of everything that is going to further my pissiness in this world that I feel I have no control over.

I am selfish in some aspect, but in the least selfish way possible. I have created this bubble in which I exist that extends out to those I care about most. Because I only have so much brain left and so much empathy to give, I choose who I dole all that out to.

Sure when a disaster hits, I am aware of it, and if I have the money to kick down to the cause, I will. But for the most part, if I were to have 6 different news television programs going at once that were blasting all of the injustice that is going on, I would eventually go mad with helplessness.

So, that being said, I never did come to a direct conclusion as to whether or not that I agreed with this Occupy movement. It's always good to see people standing up for what they feel has wronged them, but what exactly had we been wronged by?

I know by a series of unfortunate events that I have now given some bank exec's kid a really fucking sweet Christmas based on the amount of overdraft fees and them not being sympathetic to my plight. I hope Junior likes that deluxe whateverthefuckitis kids play with these days this year.

But standing outside of places where people who are professionals and have worked their way to the top telling them it is time to pay the poor piper did have me slightly baffled.

I am of the opinion that we need to burn down all banks or at least wrangle in and new world order their asses. They are running around like the wild west, fucking over whomever they please with no consequences. Same with insurance companies, medical and vehicle and home related. They have no restrictions on whose pockets they reach into, and it seems the less money you make, the more they want to keep taking from you.

But, I am not going to stand outside of Johnny Lawyer's house and scream at him because he went through law school, has a sweet Hugo Boss suit, and drives a BMW and goddamnit, I want a BMW too.

Anyway, that is probably all here and there, but my cousin posted a link from Adam Corolla's show that I laughed really hard at calling a lot of the Occupy people self-entitled monsters and my new favorite term, doucheasses. To a degree, he is spot on with a lot of what he says, but like I said, I am still standing in the middle of this whole mess that is going on, because we are in a generation where so many arguments can be made about this whole debacle that in the end, nobody is going to be right. There are far too many variables to nail down a who is right.

Everything has gotten so lost in translation that arguing Occupy is like arguing abortion and religion at this point. My cure for our economy right now is everyone stop paying their house payments at once and play musical houses. There is no way the banks could take all our houses away from us, and if we all played house swap, it would be a mess trying to sort out all the work. At least we would all have a comfortable place to reside in for awhile.

It is true though, the envy syndrome has kicked into high gear. And people are acting like spoiled little shits going, "Meh, I want that car why does he get it and I don't?" Well dear friends, we don't know his story and what he had to do to get that car and unfortunately this is not a fucking Communist society where we all get to share and unfortunately not everyone is going to want to share with you.

Life can be random. You can bust your ass all of it and get nothing in return. You can bust your ass and build a great empire and stare down from floor 134244 at all of your little scuffling ants that you boss around all day in pride at what you have accomplished. You can be a complete and utter bumbling idiot, yet somehow manage to make bajillions dollars. You can meet that same kind of idiot and he is just hanging around bars being that same kind of idiot.

The thing is though, is that nobody should ever expect anything to be fair or handed to them. The whole point I have learned in my vast 32 years of life is the golden do unto others rule. Except I have decided to change it up a bit due to the times a changin. Do unto others as you would like for them to do unto you. If they don't do unto you the way you would like them to back, then fuck em and move on.

Oh and by the way? I have a solution for all this Occupy business that should make everyone happy:

Let the people who worked hard and built their empires be, let them have the respect they deserve and their nice things. But, force anything that ends with a Kardashian or starts with a Snookie that have waaaay more than I do merely by televising their drunken whoriness and stupidity with pride start kicking down penances to the less fortunate as punishment for forcing us to endure their shameless idiocracy.

That, my friends, is what we call a win/win.