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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

A Date With The Ups

I have no particular subject to talk about so this will just be a randomized list of successes, failures, and okay, nothing really in particular.

1. I am taking three classes this semester and they suck so much harder than taking two classes. Right now as I am writing this, all I can think about is how much homework I have to do and how I should be doing that and not this. I wish I were graduated now but I still have a good year or so to go but it will be worth it if I can just get my ass in gear. Currently: Ass not in gear.

2. I don't know what happened but over the last few months I have abandoned all hope ye bras who try to enter my shirt. It started out innocently enough, I would not wear bras in the summer because I figured that nobody would notice anyway due to my lack of boobage, but then it continued on from there. They feel like tight boa constrictors trying to suffocate my boobs to death. Out of nowhere I will be at the bar and realize that whoops I forgot to add some padding and underwire to my chestal region. I keep trying to tell myself I am not a hippie and that this better be socially acceptable. We'll see.

3. I went to MC Hammered and Vanilla Iceless (thanks Andrea) last weekend and I think that I am scared of whiskey. It is a bully that threatens to make me look stupid in front of others and do things that I don't remember. There will be a story and you have seen the pictures.

4. Out of nowhere, tired, sick and in pain, I decided to rearrange my room today. I threw my back out (how!??!?!?) and almost started crying when my dvd rack melted and I was sitting atop a pile of dvds, clothing and dresser drawers. This now results in me needing to purchase multiple items at Ikea this weekend. Something tells me that my subconscious forced me to rearrange my room so said events would happen so that I could buy new shit. I love buying new shit.

5. I am going to tour the Draper Temple with my mom on Friday. So if you don't see me after Friday it is because I was struck by lightning.

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