Who's your little slacker? I am, I am! 30 songs in 30 days will probably end up being more like 30 songs in 3659678674 days for me, but I am not good at keeping up on everything like I should be. It's called Attention Deficit Disorder for a reason.
Plus I have physically been feeling like downright shit. (No pun intended)
Today's topic for 30 Songs in 30 Days is:
A song that makes you happy.
So many songs make me happy. If I am in da club and I hear a song that I love, I squeal with happiness and start dancing. If I am bummed, and I hear a morose song, it makes me feel sad yet strangely comforted. If I am in the car and stuck in traffic and I hear a good upbeat song, I get happy. And on and on.
I want to verbally vomit on happiness for a minute right now before I post my song that I am choosing for today that makes me happy.
I went to the doctor for a follow-up appointment on Friday. I had this huge thing written out for laundry list of "am I dyings" questions that I wanted to bring up. My legs and toes and hands tingle, I get panic attacks, I Hulk out into uber-bitch at the drop of a hat, I start bawling for no reason, I get headaches, I am exhausted out of nowhere, I can't eat. My damn mouth hurts! (Probably because I talk too much) The list is too big and whiny for this post.
He asked if I was depressed. I started to say yes. Because I do get depressed, and I was really depressed that day. But I am not your standard I HAVE DEPRESSION! person. I have always learned to laugh things off, make a joke out of it, or find something funny that makes me feel better.
So I changed my answer to basically this:
Last time I was sick like this, I had just gone through a terrible breakup. I had been dating around a bit as well, but I was newly and freshly single, and a lot of my friends just were either out doing their own thing or maybe they just got stick of calling me to do things and hearing me say, "I can't." It's hard to explain that you can't really leave the house much when you feel like this. Sometimes people ask if I am contagious hahahahahahaha. No. I am not. I will kiss you with tongue, ALL OF YOU to prove it.
I refer to my precious few hours that I get to leave the house every few days or so as "DOMINIQUE'S BIG DAY OUT."
I got really lonely last time. I slept a lot, read books, remained confused because doctors kept telling me to stop being all periody and womany and stressy because that's what was causing this. I probably got the most down I had ever been in my whole life. Toward the end of my illness something happened that I will probably only talk about to maybe two people, but it as so humiliating and horrifying and downright just the last straw that I told myself I was done with life and if I wasn't well soon that was that. It's weird reflecting on that, because I have never felt that way before and never have again.
Of course I talk about drowning myself in the toilet, crashing my car into the freeway wall, running into traffic, hanging myself in the bathroom, but we all know I am kidding.
Anyway, I got better that last time and came back to Earth.
This time, I started to get a bit blue, but suddenly out of nowhere, I had friends coming by to visit. My friend Andy brought me this Lil Wayne/John Wayne shirt which made my life and my t-shirt collection's life.
Victoria told a co-worker, whom I have yet to meet (IRL tee-hee) that I wasn't feeling well. He sent her over with Noni Juice and supplements for me. More than once. (thank you Randy!!!)
Conor asked if I was seeing people, and I told him I almost locked Andy and Victoria in my basement when they came over that one day. Ever since, Conor has been taking me out on little errands and popping by for visits.
Terrence is being so nice to me, even when I am being a raging whore about all this.
My dogs are driving me insane.
My mom still answers the phone when I call and she lets me ramble like a lonely crazy cat lady. Sans the cats.
Ian brought me a AN AWESOME tank top.
I keep wanting to namedrop erryone here, but anyway, I have been flooded with hugs, emails, phone calls, text messages, little pick me up gifts, and even thinking about that right now makes me tear up (AND I DON'T cry) because I feel so loved that it's overwhelming. I have so much gratitude for knowing that such sweet selfless people exist in this world and that THEY ARE MY FRIENDS.
It probably doesn't hurt that I have threatened many of them that if they aren't nice to me I will haunt them from the grave if I die.
For the record, I am pretty sure I am not going to die, it just feels that way. The speculation is Crohn's right now. To which I said, "Shit." To which I also said, "At least my disease will sound like an intelligent professor.
To which my beautiful friend Jenny Poplar said, "Sorry to hear this, Dom. It is a well documented fact that people with Crohn's disease are often of above average intelligence. Seriously, look it up. If it is Crohn's at least you have a smart person's disease.."
I am not even going to look it up, I am going to take her word for it that I am the smartiest.
So all that is not a song, but it makes me beyond happy. You know that whole bosom swelling with happiness feeling. Well, I wish my bosoms would swell, aggressive sick weight loss took those away pretty fast!
Enough about my boobs and me boobing and happiness in life.
The song that makes me undeniably happy; the song that if I was in a coma in the hospital and it came on I would wake up and dance to it; the song that I listen to 325879 times a week, is by a little band called Orange Juice.
They're a Scottish post-punk band that came about in 1979. They never made it huge but they are huge in my heart. The song contains all my favorite elements; saxophone, clapping, campy vocals, COWBELL, and a beat sent to you from the blue clouds of heaven.
As I write this oddly enough, that song JUST started on a shuffle playlist I have going. BRB have to DANCE!!!
Whew. Back.
Favorite verse:
Nothing worth finding
Is easily found
Try as we might
That was supposed to sound
Very profound
It probably sounds dry
Now you dance!!!!
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